Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kelly's Baby Shower

On January 24th we had a shower for my sister Kelly. Now for those of you who don't know her she has 5 year old triplets (Well they will be 5 on March 5th). They found out they were pregnant in July. What a miracle. This baby was a very unexpected but truly welcomed! We are all just so excited to meet baby Finnely. (I am not sure that is exactly how that are going to spell his name.) I am not sure how my sister does it all. Having triplets and a baby on the way is a huge task. No matter how busy she is or how tired she is she always finds time for me. I so look forward to our several phone calls throughout the day. I think that I talk to her more than anyone else. She is always willing to listen, help out, or just vent with me. She is there when I have to tell her about the winner of the biggest loser or the guy who made an idiot out of himself in American Idol. She is there when I have to talk to her about the saddest movie I just watched on Lifetime or the crazy lady who I just saw in the store who should not have kids. She is there when I need to laugh, cry, or when I need to just get away from my own world for a little bit. I have learned to much from her. Our children are only 8 months apart and that is such a bonding agent. We have become so close because of that I think. We are at the same stage in life and I am just so glad that I have her to walk through it with. I love that our children love each other so much and I love that Kate wants to go to Aunt Kelly's house everyday! I cannot wait to meet my new nephew and to Love him up so much! Thanks Kelly for always being there and thanks for being such a good example for me to follow! I love you!

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