Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Annual Tree Trimming

Every year my parents have a tree trimming party. Now my mom's tree is amazing. She straightens out each branch so it is always so full. There are always tons of lights and of course ornaments. You can't forget the ornaments! That is what we are all for. My mom and dad have boxes of ornaments. They have saved every ornament that we have ever made or they have ever been given. We all helped put the ornaments on and then the fighting began. Yes.. that's right who is going to get to put the Angel on the tree? It is the fight that happens every year. We have so many children now in our family, but it really boiled down to Abby, Maggie, Sean, and Kate. Connor was out because I am pretty sure that my parents wanted their tree standing when we were done. You would have thought that World War 1 broke out in my mom and dad's living room. They were all fighting. My mom ended up having Maggie put the angel on the tree, Sean turned off the lights, and Abby got to turn on the lights! In the pictures below you can see that Kate was not happy about this. She was trying to escape out the front door. She survived! The tree was lit and it was beautiful as always! Merry Christmas!

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