Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Let me start off by telling you that this was one of the best Halloween's that we have had. We went to my parents house like we do every year. My sister Kerry came in town and so it was great to see her and have her with us during trick or treating. Kate was so excited to put her Bell costume on. She had decided to be Belle months before and for those of you who know her, you know that she does not stop talking about things. So to say the least we were so excited that the day was finally here:). We got her dressed and she was the most beautiful Belle ever. We then got Connor dressed. At first Connor did not like his costume. He was fighting to get out of it. He as a lion which we tried to pass off as The Beast to go with Belle. Once we put his hood on he was a different kid. He loved it and looked soooooo cute. We were off! We went trick or treating around the neighborhood. Kate was so great. She knew exactly what to do. As soon as she said, Trick or Treat" she put her bucket out and in the candy would go. She then would continue to keep it out there and we would have to pull her away. She would say Thank you and run to the next house. Connor. Did not get it quite as much. He would walk up there with his bucket but was more interested in going in the house then getting the candy. It was just a great Family night. We had a lot of fun. It was great to go around with my mom and sister. I know that Kate and Connor enjoyed spending the time with them. We then went back to the house where my dad had dinner waiting for us. It was a great night.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Connor looks so flippin cute! Not to mention your beautiful little princess. Glad you had a fun time with your kiddies.
