Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kelly's Baby Shower

On January 24th we had a shower for my sister Kelly. Now for those of you who don't know her she has 5 year old triplets (Well they will be 5 on March 5th). They found out they were pregnant in July. What a miracle. This baby was a very unexpected but truly welcomed! We are all just so excited to meet baby Finnely. (I am not sure that is exactly how that are going to spell his name.) I am not sure how my sister does it all. Having triplets and a baby on the way is a huge task. No matter how busy she is or how tired she is she always finds time for me. I so look forward to our several phone calls throughout the day. I think that I talk to her more than anyone else. She is always willing to listen, help out, or just vent with me. She is there when I have to tell her about the winner of the biggest loser or the guy who made an idiot out of himself in American Idol. She is there when I have to talk to her about the saddest movie I just watched on Lifetime or the crazy lady who I just saw in the store who should not have kids. She is there when I need to laugh, cry, or when I need to just get away from my own world for a little bit. I have learned to much from her. Our children are only 8 months apart and that is such a bonding agent. We have become so close because of that I think. We are at the same stage in life and I am just so glad that I have her to walk through it with. I love that our children love each other so much and I love that Kate wants to go to Aunt Kelly's house everyday! I cannot wait to meet my new nephew and to Love him up so much! Thanks Kelly for always being there and thanks for being such a good example for me to follow! I love you!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Best Gift Ever!

All week Kate has been talking about her Valentine's Day party at school. She has been making cards and and getting everything ready all week. She has been so excited to go through all the kids names and put them on the cards. When we were done with all the cards she said to me, "Mommy, wait. We are missing someone berry special." I am thinking to myself, Oh how sweet she wants to make her dad and I a card. No the next best thing, we were missing our dear friend Carter. Now for those of you who don't know. Carter is my friend, Jillian's son. They are about the same age and they go to the same preschool. The two of them just love each other. So we got to work on Carter's Valentine. Oh, the effort that went into this was out of this world. I won't spoil it since her has not gotten it yet. She was so excited to give him his valentine. As she put it in her backpack she said, "Oh mom I just know that Carter is going to love this. He is just my bestest friend." I know, too cute! Off to school she went. I had told Jillian today to see if she could find Chris because Kate had something for him. Chris was running late so they missed each other. Bummer!
I got home from work and I did not even get in the door when Kate comes running up to me and says, "Mommy, Mommy look what Carter gave me!" She was so excited for her candy, playdoh, and Bear. Carter had come by the house to give her the valentine. She was so excited. Now Chris did not know that Kate had one for him so Carter left empty handed. (We will fix that tomorrow.) Kate carried that bear around all night. When it was time for bed we could not find it. She was hysterical. We looked everywhere for that bear. We finally found it. After many tears I was able to get her calmed down and into bed. As I tucked her in she said, "Oh, sweetheart bear I am so sorry, I will never loose you again." So dramatic! We said our prayers and in them came a special one for Carter, "God please keep Carter safe and thank him for this bear. It is the bestest thing in the whole entire world. I just love that Carter and Jilliant (this is how Kate says Jillian's name.) Amen." So sweet. We are so glad to have friends so close to Kate's age. They get along so good and we are so thankful for that.

Pat, Pat, Pat!

Recently our household has been taken over by The Little Einsteins. This is a show on the Disney channel. The kids love it! Connor does not say much but he definitely knows how to say "Pat" and when. If you have never heard the theme song this first video will introduce it for you. The next video is of Connor doing his favorite part of the whole show.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The funniest segment ever!

My friend had this on her blog and I had to steal it because I watched it and I was wiping tears from my face! It is 6 minutes, but worth it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our dear Friend Kelly!

Kate has made a new friend. Her name is Kelly and she loves to spend time at our house. Kate plays with her all the time and she truly cares about her. She has slept over many times already and has also gone on road trips with us. Where did we meet such a great friend? What a good question! Kelly appeared at our house one day. I am actually waiting to still see her because yep, you guessed it, Kelly is Kate's imaginary friend. Kelly comes everywhere with us. One day last week we were going to the store and Kate wanted to take Kelly. I told her fine. I try not to respond too much to all of this. She buckles Kelly in and we are off. We are in the aisles of Target, because we go there all the time, and Kate is skipping down the aisle with her arm stretched out holding "Kelly's" hand. She is laughing and talking to her like she is right there. I know, creepy! On our way home from the store Kate fell asleep and went to bed for the night. At 1:00am I hear crying coming from her room. I go in and see her sitting on her bed. I am thinking, poor baby she had a bad dream. She then says hysterically crying, "Mom, I left Kelly in the car!" Oh my! So yes, you guessed it we had to go out to the car and get Kelly. Mind you it is freezing outside, but rather not fight the battle of a lifetime so I go get "her" from the car and Kate is happy as ever. She apologizes to Kelly and then proceeds to tell me that Kelly is going to sleep on the top bunk. Whatever! At this point I just want to go to bed!

So I am not sure if I am supposed to find all of this cute or if this is supposed to creep me out! Because to be truthful it does. I know she is only 4 and it is normal, but going out in the middle of the night to get her friend out of the car, come on!

Snow Day

Okay so I know that it has been a long time since I have posted, but I will do my best to add some posts to catch you all up.

Kate recently had a Snow Day at her preschool. The school had snow delivered and Kate was so excited. All I heard all week was about snow day! She was so excited. So the night before we got her backpack packed with her jacket, gloves, scarf, and boots. She was ready. She slept with her backpack by her bed because she did not want to forget it. Now of course snow day was happening before I got off work so I was not able to be there. My dear friend Jillian was up there to see Carter and stayed to make sure that Kate was okay. She took some pictures so that we could see how it went. Thanks so much Jillian for checking in on her and making sure that she was okay. Thanks for the pictures! They are great!

Needless to say Kate had such a good time. No we just have to figure out a way to make her understand that it only happens one day a year!